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Naslednje smernice in primeri so zasnovani tako, da vam pomagajo razumeti regulativne zahteve za finančne promocije za promocijo blagovne znamke Admirals, ki se uporabljajo interno in externo.

1. Basic requirements for all Financial Promotions

Investment firms shall ensure that the information they address to, or disseminate in such a way that it is likely to be received by, retail or professional clients or potential retail or professional clients, including marketing communications, satisfies the following conditions:

1.1 The information includes the name of the investment firm;

1.2 The information is accurate and always gives a fair and prominent indication of any relevant risks when referencing any potential benefits of an investment service or financial instrument;

1.3 The information uses a font size in the indication of relevant risks that is at least equal to the predominant font size used throughout the information provided, as well as a layout ensuring such indication is prominent;

1.4 The information is sufficient for, and presented in a way that is likely to be understood by, the average member of the group to whom it is directed, or by whom it is likely to be received;

1.5 The information does not disguise, diminish or obscure important items, statements or warnings;

1.6 The information is consistently presented in the same language throughout all forms of information and marketing materials that are provided to each client, unless the client has accepted to receive information in more than one language;

1.7 The information is up-to-date and relevant to the means of communication used;

1.8 The information must include not only the example of a positive outcome but also an example of a negative outcome.

1.9 The information must have a risk warning.

2. SEO articles and analysis posts


2.1 The comparison must be meaningful and presented in a fair and balanced way;

2.2 The sources of the information used for the comparison must be specified;

2.3 The key facts and assumptions used to make the comparison must be included;

2.4 The article or post must include the correct disclaimer.

When indicating to PAST PERFORMANCE:

2.5 The reference period and the source of information must be clearly stated;

2.6 The information must contain a prominent warning that the figures refer to the past and that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

When indicating to FUTURE PERFORMANCE:

2.7 The information must not be based on or refer to simulated past performance;

2.8 It must be based on reasonable assumptions supported by objective data;

2.9 Where the information is based on gross performance, the effect of commissions, fees or other charges must be disclosed;

2.10 It must contain a prominent warning that such forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance.

3. Social media

3.1 Twitter

  • No 20% text rule, but better to use Main Title and Subtitle if it suits
  • Use risk warning
  • Possible to use button

Examples of how it should look:

Twitter promotion

3.2 Facebook

  • Images or posts must have risk warning, at least on the text
  • Do not use a lot of text in the image. If you are using text, use only main title, text can be no more than 20% of the image size size (including branding and text on graphics)
  • It is possible to title and subtitle fields when sharing content (e.g. articles and webpages)
  • Possibility to use a button in paid Facebook ads and boosted posts
  • In the page’s cover image, do not cover bottom left half of the space, because avatar image located there
  • Do not use branding on every image

Examples of how it should look:

Facebook promotion Facebook promotion

3.3 Linkedin

  • No 20% text rule, but better to use Main Title and Subtitle if it suits
  • Use risk warning
  • Possible to use button

Examples of how it should look:

Linkedin promotion Linkedin promotion

3.4 Google ads

  • Must include brand
  • Must include risk warning
  • Button available for display advertising

Examples of how it should look:

Google promotion

3.5 Instagram

  • Risk warning is necessary when promoting
  • Possible to use brand
  • No 20% text rule

Examples of how it should look:

Instagram promotion

4. Banners

Basic key points for designing effective communications:

4.1 Easy to understand language with short, understandable messages. The language used should be appropriate for the target audience, jargon-free and contain simple and short messages.

4.2. Designed for a target group of consumers. Communications should be designed to meet the needs of the target audience of consumers.

4.3 Key information displayed prominently and framed effectively.

4.4 Correct use of images and graphics.

Main requirements:

4.5 The information must be fair, clear and not misleading;

4.6 The information must have clear reference to product;

4.7 Avoid unprofessional marketing (context, language, pictures etc.);

4.8 The banner must have balanced information (use a font size for the indication of relevant risks that is at least equal to the predominant font size used throughout the information provided, as well as a layout ensuring such information is prominent);

4.9 The banner must have risk warnings (use a font size in the indication of relevant risks that is at least equal to the predominant font size used throughout the information provided, as well as a layout ensuring such information is prominent);

4.10 Avoid ambiguous wording;

4.11 It’s prohibited to use hashtags on the banner.

The common Financial Promotion failings on the banners are following:

4.12 ne loči instrumentov AM od osnovnih sredstev; primer digitalnih valut (pravilno je reči, da imamo CFD-je za digitalno valuto)

4.13 Inadequate product description

4.14 Emphasising only the benefits of the product

4.15 Failure to include a balanced picture of risk and charges

4.16 Unrealistic headline claims

4.17 Missing or inadequate description of the risks

4.18 Risk warning is missing and/or invitation to read terms and conditions

5. Rules of the campaign (Terms and Conditions):

5.1 Contact information of the organiser of campaign (business name, contact details: address, email, telephone).

5.2 Time period of organising the consumer game (start and end dates, the hour, if necessary. Consider if market hours should be included for example).

5.3 List of prizes (description, value). If the winner can choose the prize, then it must be specified out of which products. If there is only one prize per participant, the respective information must be added.

5.4 Requirements for participants (e.g. residency of participant if necessary: participant must be adult; each person can participate only once; however, client can participate as a natural person and with legal entity where he/she is a sole owner for example).

5.5 Conditions for participation (what must a client do in order to participate in the game), including participation in interim lottery draws and a chance to reach the final.

5.6 Time and description of when and how the winner or winners will be chosen, including the winners of interim campaign draws and the winner of main prize. This should also include a description of the ranking of the participants with identical results (e.g. total points or time) or you should consider excluding this option.

5.7 Announcement of winners (through which channel and whether the winners will be contacted personally).

5.8 Information about using the data of the winner (disclosure of the name of the winner).

5.9 Delivery of prizes (location or reference to postal delivery; time period during which the prizes will be delivered).

5.10 Possibilities to obtain additional information (web address; email address; telephone; address of a local branch and main office address).

5.11 Procedure and deadline for handling the complaints (contact details for submission of complaints).

5.12 In case the campaign is targeted to certain region clients, an option to communicate in this language must be ensured. This means also Campaign Rules/Terms and Conditions must be in the local language.

6. Video

6.1 Risk warning must be prominent and not disappear under the media player menu.

6.2 Compliant versions are also applicable for TV commercials where the ESMA sticky risk warning is visible throughout the video.

6.3 Final frame of the video must have longer risk warning and AM company registration information.

7. Risk warning

The relevant risk warning must be:

7.1 Prominent;

7.2 Contained within its own border and with bold and unbold text as indicated;

7.3 If provided on a website or via a mobile application, statically fixed and visible at the top of the screen even when the retail client scrolls up or down the webpage; and

7.4 If provided on a website, included on each linked webpage on the website.

The relevant risk warning, including the font size, should be:

7.5 Proportionate, taking into account the content, size and orientation of the marketing material as a whole; and

7.6 Published against a neutral background.

8. References and risk warning examples

In order to keep the content AM provides reliable, and to protect AM from possible copyright infringement, we expect the pictures, charts, texts (news, studies, books etc.) and graphs added with reference to their original source.

8.1 Charts:

Vir: Admirals MT5 z dnevnim grafikonom za dodatek MT5-SE XXX (med XXX, 201X, do XXX 201X). Dostop: XXX, 2019, ob XX: 00pm GMT - Prosimo, upoštevajte: Pretekla uspešnost ni zanesljiv pokazatelj prihodnjih rezultatov ali prihodnjih uspehov.

Opozorilo o odgovornosti: Tabele za finančne instrumente v tem članku so ponazoritvene narave in ne pomenijo nasvetov o trgovanju ali naložbah ali namigov za nakup ali prodajo katerega koli finančnega instrumenta, ki ga ponujajo Admirals (CFD, ETF, Delnice). Pretekla uspešnost ni nujno pokazatelj prihodnje uspešnosti

8.2 SEO articles:

To gradivo ne vsebuje in si ga ne smemo razlagati kot naložbeno svetovanje, naložbena priporočila, ponudbo ali nagovarjanje za kakršne koli transakcije s finančnimi instrumenti. Trgovanje s finančnimi instrumenti, ki jih ponujajo Admirals (CFD, ETF, delnice), nosi visoko stopnjo tveganja, ki zaradi kompleksne narave ni primerna za vse vlagatelje. Preden se odločite za kakršno koli naložbeno odločitev, se posvetujte z neodvisnimi finančnimi svetovalci, da se prepričate o tveganjih. Več na

CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. XX% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

8.3 Analysis post:


Navedeni podatki zagotavljajo dodatne informacije v zvezi z vsemi analizami, ocenami, napovedmi, napovedmi, tržnimi pregledi, tedenskimi obeti ali drugimi podobnimi ocenami ali informacijami (v nadaljevanju "analiza"), objavljenimi na spletnem mestu Admirals. Preden se odločite za naložbo, bodite pozorni na naslednje:

1. This is a marketing communication. The content is published for informative purposes only and is in no way to be construed as investment advice or recommendation. It has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research, and that it is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research.

2. Vsako naložbeno odločitev sprejme vsaka stranka sama, medtem ko Admirals ni odgovoren za kakršno koli izgubo ali škodo, ki bi nastala zaradi takšne odločitve, ne glede na vsebino ali ne.

3. Zaradi zaščite interesov naših strank in objektivnosti analize je Admirals vzpostavil ustrezne notranje postopke za preprečevanje in obvladovanje navzkrižij interesov.

4. The Analysis is prepared by an independent analyst (hereinafter “Author”) based on the NAME + (Position) personal estimations.

5. Čeprav so vloženi vsi razumni napori, da se zagotovi, da so vsi viri vsebine zanesljivi in da so vse informacije čim bolj predstavljene na razumljiv, pravočasen, natančen in popoln način, Admirals ne jamči za točnost ali popolnost vse informacije, ki jih vsebuje analiza.

6. Kakršne koli pretekle ali modelirane uspešnosti finančnih instrumentov, navedene v vsebini, se ne smejo razlagati kot izrecna ali implicitna obljuba, jamstvo ali implikacija Admiralov za kakršno koli prihodnjo uspešnost. Vrednost finančnega instrumenta se lahko poveča in zmanjša, ohranitev vrednosti sredstva pa ni zagotovljena.

7. Leveraged products (including contracts for difference) are speculative in nature and may result in losses or profit. Before you start trading, please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.

8.4 Social media


[insert percentage per provider]% of retail CFD accounts lose money.

Facebook, banners, videos

[insert percentage per provider]% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

8.5 Webinar, seminar, presentation materials

Trgovanje s finančnimi instrumenti (CFD -ji, delnicami, ETF -ji), ki jih ponuja Admirals, nosijo visoko stopnjo tveganja, ki zaradi kompleksne narave ni primerna za vse vlagatelje. Pred sklenete pogodbe za sodelovanje s stranko ali transakcijo, prosimo, da si preberete pogoje in določila naših storitev. Če je potrebno, se posvetujte s strokovnjakom, da se prepričate o tveganjih, povezanih s trgovanjem.

Ta vsebina je zgolj za informativne in izobraževalne namene. Vsebinsko gradivo razvija Admirals, distribuira pa ga Admirals Group AS investicijska podjetja za svetovno občinstvo. Prosimo, upoštevajte, da informacije na tej seji morda niso primerne za vse.

To get the corresponding information on charting, conditions and any other details, please visit, select your country of residence and contact an appropriate entity.

Ta vsebina je samo za splošne informacije in ni namenjena svetovanju pri trgovanju ali naložbah ali osebnim priporočilom. Vse informacije, ki se nanašajo na preteklo uspešnost naložbe, ne zagotavljajo nujno prihodnje uspešnosti. Admirals ne odgovarja za kakršno koli neposredno ali posredno izgubo, ki bi nastala zaradi kakršne koli naložbe na podlagi informacij v tej vsebini.

The information is not directed at residents of the United States, Belgium or any particular country and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Sorodni dokument je priloga k smernicam trženja in finančne promocije Admirals.