
Welcome to a new UK Government: What does that mean for UK Stock Traders?

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Srpen 07 18:00 - 19:00 UTC
Ochranu údajů bereme v Admirals vážně
Služby Admirals bohužel nejsou dostupné pro obyvatele vybrané země.
In July 2024 the UK voted in a new Labour Government, after 14 years of Conservative Rule. This change in Government will also have knock-on effects on UK Markets like GBP Sterling, the FTSE 100, and UK Stocks. Join Paul Wallace for this webinar in which we focus on how to navigate through the new environment and take a look at how it is reflected in live markets. These sessions are appropriate for beginners and intermediate UK Stock Traders who are looking to expand their trading knowledge.

By the end of this webinar, you will be informed about:

  • How recent changes are reflected in UK Markets
  • How UK Stock Traders can turn this to their advantage can use this in their trading strategy
  • How you can trade this new environment with Admiral Markets

Více informací

This webinar also gives an overview of:

  • What is Trading?
  • How to analyse the market
  • How to utilise the Admiral Markets Metatrader platforms

Missed a Webinar? If you couldn't join our live webinar, you can easily catch up on the recorded session by visiting our YouTube Channel.

Paul Wallace
Paul Wallace

Pořadatel webináře

Paul Wallace is a professional financial trader with more than 27 years’ experience working in competitive, results-driven, performance environments. He runs the trader evolution practice, Tradingbeliefs, which helps traders improve their performance.

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