Announcing the new Jordan Invest.MT5 Account

July 27, 2021 18:30

Dear Traders


Admiral Markets is happy to announce a new offering! On July 27, 2021, the Invest.MT5 account type was launched for our Admiral Markets AS Jordan Ltd clients.  

Our Invest.MT5 account grants access and ability to invest in the most desirable shares, US & EU ETFs from the world's largest stock exchanges, all from MetaTrader 5. 

The new operating company is fully regulated by the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC), and delivers world-class offering and products.  

To learn more about our new license and all opportunities offered by Admiral Markets AS Jordan Ltd, you can visit our website

One World- One Broker!  


Kind regards, 

Admiral Markets 

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More than a broker, Admiral Markets is a financial hub, offering a wide range of financial products and services. We make it possible to approach personal finance through an all-in-one solution for investing, spending, and managing money.