New Free Trading Software: MT4 Mobile, MT4 Smartphone, MT4 MultiTerminal 2007.11.08

Noviembre 08, 2007 08:41

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that MT4 Mobile,MT4 Smartphone Edition and MT4 MultiTerminal are now available for free to all customers.

No activation keys or payments will be required. All new programs are dedicated for usewith Admiral Markets' servers.

Installation files are listed here:


MT4 Client Terminal has been updated with Admiral Markets logo and contact datails.Also added:

-euro-based demoaccounts (demo-eur);

-0.5% margin (1:200) in the margin rates menu.

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Admiral Markets Una solución todo en uno para gastar, invertir y administrar tu dinero

Más que un broker, Admiral Markets Markets es un centro financiero, que ofrece una amplia gama de productos y servicios financieros. Hacemos posible abordar las finanzas personales a través de una solución integral para invertir, gastar y administrar el dinero.