USD/JPY Breaks below Rising Wedge Chart Pattern 2015.08.13

Augusztus 13, 2015 05:08


4 hour

The EUR/USD managed to rally above the resistance trend line (red) and moved up towards the Fibonacci targets of wave Y versus W.

1 hour

The EUR/USD probably completed wave C (blue) of a bigger ABC as mentioned in yesterday's analysis.


4 hour

The GBP/USD has again reached the top of the large consolidation zone which is marked by the green and red trend lines.

1 hour

The GBP/USD is in an uptrend channel (green/orange) and could be building an ABC (dark green) within wave Y (magenta).


4 hour

The USD/JPY broke below the rising wedge chart pattern formation which is indicated by the broken green line. This could be a first signal of a potential bounce at the resistance top (brown).

1 hour

The USD/JPY bearish momentum could indicate the start of a potential bearish ABC (purple).