US Dollar Struggles with Resistance and Moves Quickly Lower 2015.04.15

Április 15, 2015 04:57


4 hour

Yesterday's bullish momentum could be an indication that the waves WXY (magenta) have completed the wave X (blue).

1 hour

Price broke the resistance of the downtrend channel (dotted red) which could indicate a potential wave 1-2 (magenta).


4 hour

Yesterday's bullish momentum could be an indication that the waves WXY (green) have completed the wave X (blue).

1 hour

The GBP/USD used support to make a bounce up which for the moment seems to be only part of the bullish correction (green wave W).


4 hour

At the moment it seems most likely that a rally is part of wave X (green) which is part of a bigger wave 4 (dark red).

1 hour

The USD/JPY fell one more time back to support (green line) yesterday as part of the wave Y (purple).