GBP/USD and USD/JPY Breaking Major Top and Bottom 2015.04.27

Április 27, 2015 04:37


4 hour

If the EUR/USD completed the wave W (magenta) then a retracement for wave X (magenta) before a new rise for Wave Y (magenta) seems like the most probable path at the moment.

1 hour

Yesterday's price action is most likely a bullish momentum and therefore labeled as a wave A (orange).


4 hour

The GBP/USD is challenging the previous major top (red line). A breakout could translate into a dash to the 100% Fibonacci target whereas a bounce could see price retrace back to the support trend line (blue).

1 hour

For the moment the GBPUSD has been marked as a bullish zigzag (purple 5 wave), which could indicate a wave 4 (purple) and a wave (purple) to complete wave A (orange).


4 hour

The USD/JPY remains in a major consolidation and is now approaching bigger support (green line) which is a bounce or break spot. The resistance trend lines (orange/red) could contain a bounce whereas a break could see price head towards the wave 23.6% Fib at 117.10 (not visible on chart).

1 hour

The USD/JPY could be completing an ABC (blue) zigzag.