EUR/USD Hits 23.6% Fibonacci Retracement Level of Wave 4 2015.05.04

Május 04, 2015 04:26


4 hour

The EUR/USD has reached a key resistance level of 23.6% Fibonacci level of wave 4 (green). Therefore it seems most probable that a retracement will occur for wave X (magenta).

1 hour

The rising wedge chart pattern (light green and orange) broke and could be correcting lower with an ABC (light green) that completes wave W (dark green).


4 hour

The GBP/USD has completed a wave W (grey) of perhaps an even bigger wave B (black) correction.

1 hour

The first ABC zigzag (green) completed wave W (blue), which was indeed followed by a wave X (blue). The latest fall could be another ABC zigzag (green) but now of wave Y (blue).


4 hour

The USD/JPY seems to be building a contracting wedge chart pattern (magenta) which would require a wave D and E to complete wave 4 (brown red).

1 hour

An ABC correction (purple) has been completed within wave D (magenta) but this could be only part of bigger WXY correction (within wave D).