Daily Wave Analysis for 18 September 2014 2014.09.18

Szeptember 18, 2014 07:46

4 hour EURUSD:

Price is falling down towards its targets such Fibonacci levels, a weekly bottom (green) and bottom of channel (purple).

60 min EURUSD:

A breakout did indeed occur yesterday (see post 17 September) below the support (green) trend line (and around the 161.8% time Fibonacci level).


4 hour GBPUSD:

The price action of all GBP pairs could be highly dependent on the Scottish independence referendum on Thursday.

60 min GBPUSD:

The Fibonacci targets and retracements will most likely be the turning spots for the wave 4 (magenta).


4 hour USDJPY:

Price is moving up towards its targets such Fibonacci levels.

60 min USDJPY:

A breakout did indeed occur yesterday (see post 17 September) above the resistance (orange) trend line.