Company News

Trading Hour Schedule for the 2020 Easter Holiday Period

Dear traders,

Please note that due to the upcoming Easter Holiday, our trading hours will be slightly modified.


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Trade US Stock CFDs commission free with Admiral Markets!

Have you been wanting to make the most of recent market volatility? Then Admiral Markets is excited to announce that we will be offering commission-free trading for any new trades opened on US stock CFDs in MetaTrader 5!

What's the opportunity?

In just one week, the Dow J


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Admiral Markets Expands Premium Analytics with Featured Trading Ideas

Admiral Markets is excited to announce the expansion of our exclusive Premium Analytics portal to include featured trading ideas from Trading Central!

Admiral Markets' Premium Analytics portal is the ultimate toolbox traders can use to stay up-to-date, with market news,


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Admiral Markets offers top ecommerce share CFDs!

While the coronavirus, or COVID-19, may have disrupted global economies, not all sectors are suffering. In fact, some sectors are expected to come out on top due to changing consumer behaviour during self-isolation.

One such sector is ecommerce, with online sales growing


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Trade Digital Streaming & Communication Share CFDs with Admiral Markets!

With growing numbers of people choosing to self-isolate to hamper the spread of COVID-19, demand for streaming services is on the rise, with people turning to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus and more for entertainment as they wait out the pandemic.

When demand for a s


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