October Daylight Savings market schedule

October 19, 2021 14:30

Dear traders,


Please note that from October 31 to November 7, 2021, due to Daylight Savings Time differences in the US, daily trading breaks will shift back one hour, meaning that the trading session break will open and close an hour earlier.

This temporary adjustment happens because the US switches to Daylight Saving Time one week later than Europe does. Forex trading opening hours on Monday, November 1 (00:05 EET) won't be affected. The closing time on Friday, November 5 will be at 22:59 EET.

The trading hours open on Monday for Metals CFDs and US Market CFDs (Shares, Indices, Commodities and US Treasury Note CFD) is shifted one hour back. Change impacts also: EU CFD Indices DAX40 and FTSE100 night breaks.

The indicated trading hours are subject to change by their respective exchanges or liquidity providers. Changes in trading hours also affect applicable pre-close terms.


Kind regards,

Admiral Markets

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