Admiral Markets adds 7 more index instruments to its CFD offering

April 18, 2019 11:47

Yes! A further expansion of the range of accessible markets on our flagship Trade.MT5 account has been accomplished. Starting today, our clients may trade in 7 new CFDs, representing some of the most renowned regional equity market indices of Asia, Africa, Europe and North America.

Depending on the underlying contract type, new additions come in two groups:

Group #1: Cash index CFD Instrument group highlights
  1. Canada60 - an index of 60 largest companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada
  2. HSCEI50 - an index of 50 China enterprises that list their H-shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
  3. SouthAfrica40 - an index of 40 largest companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in South Africa
  • 0 commission
  • No contract expirations
  • Go long or short
  • Diversified equity index based instruments
  • MetaTrader 5 platform

Group #2: Index futures CFDs

Instrument group highlights

  1. India50 - a broad-based equity market index of the National Stock Exchange of India
  2. STXE600 - a market index that includes 600 constituents representing exchange-listed companies of various sizes from 17 European countries.
  3. Singapore25 - an index that reflects the performance of large and mid-size exchange-listed companies of Singapore
  4. Taiwan50 - an index representing 50 largest companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange
  • 0 commission
  • No overnight position financing payments (SWAPs)
  • Go long or short
  • Diversified equity index based instruments
  • MetaTrader 5 platform

Check out other essential trading terms related to our new instruments in the Indices section of the Contract Specifications on our website.

Whether you day-trade or invest long-term, here at Admiral Markets we are committed to connecting you to only the best instruments to pursue the opportunities offered by global financial markets. Our Trade.MT5 offer to you includes 19 more indices and 3300+ other CFDs representing 10 asset classes loved by millions of traders and active investors across the globe.

Still trading on MT4? It's time to test drive our upgraded MetaTrader 5 platform, as the newly added regional indices are available only on Trade.MT5 accounts.

Kind regards,

Admiral Markets

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