تداول GERMANY40- واحدة من أكثر أدوات التداول شعبية في العالم!

تقدم لك Admirals أكثر شروط التداول تنافسية على GERMANY40. تداول العقود مقابل الفروقات على مؤشرGERMANY40 خلال الأسبوع 24/5، بدون عمولات تداول من خلال حسابات Trade.MT5 و Trade.MT4 الخاصة بنا، باستخدام منصة التداول الأكثر شهرة في العالم - ميتاتريدر. اكتشف المزيد في مواصفات العقد أدناه.

سبريد نموذجي: 1.2 نقطة (10:00 صباحاً - 18:30 مساءاً بتوقيت شرق أوروبا)

رافعة مالية مرنة

يتوفر ميكرو لوت

يتوفر ميكرو لوت

ابدأ التداول

ما هو GERMANY40؟

المؤشر الألماني

مؤشر DAX 40 الألماني هو مؤشر سوق الأسهم الممتازة، و الذي يمثل أكبر 40 شركة في ألمانيا و أكثرها سيولة في بورصة فرانكفورت. يقيس مؤشر داكس أداء أكبر 40 شركة ألمانية من حيث حجم الطلبات و القيمة السوقية.

يعكس مؤشرGERMANY40 القيمة السوقية الموجزة لهذه الشركات - و التي تشمل من بينها BMW ,Adidas, و Siemens - من حيث قيمة طلبات الأسهم.

تحديثات مباشرة لـ GERMANY40

تعرف على سعر GERMANY40في الوقت الفعلي و آراء الصحافة العالمية في تحركات المؤشر المستقبلية

الأداء السابق ليس مؤشرًا موثوقًا به للنتائج المستقبلية.

الرأي العام العالمي لمؤشر GERMANY40

هو إجمالي ميول رأي وسائل الإعلام المالية العالمية نحو GERMANY40في الوقت الحاضر... Icon help تستخدم هذه الأداة تقنيات خوارزمية مماثلة للتعلم الآلي لمسح وتحليل الأخبار بشكل صحيح، مما يوفر بديلاً لأدوات البيانات التقليدية. والهدف من ذلك هو تزويد المتداولين بطريقة إضافية للبحث في تحركات السوق. تتألف هذه الأداة من معنويات السوق بناءً على مزيج من الأخبار والتحليلات وحركات الأسعار. وهي توفر للعملاء مخططًا يوضح بوضوح الفرق بين معنويات السوق وأسعار التداول في السوق. المصدر: Acuity Trading

مواصفات العقود

نوع الحساب



Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Commission, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.


نوع الحساب



Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Commission, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.


نوع الحساب



Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Commission, EUR Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.


نوع الحساب



Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.


Commission, EUR Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.


مزايا GERMANY40

يعد مؤشر GERMANY40 أحد أكثر مؤشرات الأسهم شهرة في العالم ويتداوله متداولون من جميع أنحاء العالم. وفيما يلي بعض الأسباب وراء ذلك:


يعتبر GERMANY40أداة متقلبة بشكل كبير ترتبط ارتباطاً وثيقاً بنتائج الأحداث الرئيسية في السياسة و الإقتصاد الأوروبي.

مؤشر الميول الأوروبية

غالباً ما يطلق على مؤشر GERMANY40 الوكيل عن ميول الأسواق الأوروبية، نظراً لأنه المؤشر الرئيسي لأكبر إقتصاد في الإتحاد الأوروبي. يتيح لك تداوله الإستفادة من السوق الألماني.

نطاق عالمي

تعد معظم الشركات في مؤشر GERMANY40شركات معروفة عالمياً، و لهذا السبب قد تستفيد من التقلبات التي تحدث في الأسواق العالمية، و كذلك الأسواق المحلية.


يسمح لك مؤشر GERMANY40 بتنويع تعرضك للسوق عبر العديد من الشركات و الصناعات. قد ينطوي ذلك على مخاطر عامة أقل مقارنة في تداول الاسهم الفردية.

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