¡Opera con GERMANY40 – Uno de los Instrumentos Más Populares del Mundo!

Admiral Markets te ofrece condiciones de trading competitivas en el GERMANY40. Opera con CFDs sobre el índice GERMANY40 24/5, utilizando las populares plataformas MetaTrader. Descubre más a continuación.

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¿Qué es GERMANY40?

El índice alemán

El GERMANY40 es un índice blue chip alemán del mercado de valores, que representa a las 40 compañías de Alemania más grandes y más líquidas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Frankfurt. Mide el comportamiento de las 40 compañías alemanas más grandes por su capitalización de mercado y por el volumen de transacciones.

El índice GERMANY40 refleja la capitalización de mercado de esas empresas, entre las que se incluyen BMW, Adidas, Siemens – y el volumen del libro de órdenes de sus acciones.

Actualizaciones en directo del GERMANY40

Descubre la cotización del GERMANY40 en tiempo real y el sentimiento global sobre el futuro movimiento del índice

El rendimiento pasado no es un indicador fiable de resultados futuros.

Opinión Global del GERMANY40

Este es un sentimiento agregado de los medios financieros globales para el GERMANY40 en el momento actual... Icon help Este widget usa algoritmos automáticos de aprendizaje para explorar y analizar correctamente las diferentes noticias, ofreciendo de esta manera una alternativa a las herramientas más tradicionales. El objetivo es proporcionar a los traders un método adicional para investigar los movimientos del mercado. Este widget se basa en el sentimiento del mercado a través de las noticias, los análisis y el movimiento del precio. Esta herramienta ofrece a nuestros clientes un gráfico que muestra claramente la diferencia entre el sentimiento del mercado y los precios del mercado. Fuente: Acuity Trading

Especificaciones del Contrato




Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.


Por qué operar con GERMANY40

GERMANY40 es uno de los índices bursátiles más populares del mundo y es operado por traders de todo el planeta. He aquí algunas razones:


GERMANY40 es un instrumento considerablemente volátil altamente correlacionado con los resultados de los eventos más importantes de la economía y la política europea.

Sentimiento europeo

El GERMANY40 a menudo es considerado representante del sentimiento europeo, ya que es el principal índice de la mayor economía de la UE. Operar con él te permite aprovechar las ventajas del mercado alemán.

Escala global

La mayoría de las empresas del índice GERMANY40 tienen negocios reconocidos en todo el mundo. Opera en GERMANY40 y súbete a las olas de los mercados financieros mundiales.


El índice GERMANY40 te permite diversificar tu exposición al mercado a través de múltiples empresas e industrias.

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