Admiral Markets Announces Winners of the 3rd Season of ForexBall 2010 International Trading Competition 2010.09.18

Septiembre 18, 2010 10:14

Dear Traders!

We are glad to announce winners and prizes of the 3rd season of ForexBall 2010 International Trading Competition that has finished on September 17th. More than 4700 traders forming 7 geographical sections were competing independently on demo accounts.

Winners are established separately in each section. The prize funds are distributed between the top 5 participants of each geographical section as follows:

Nickname Country Prize Profit
1 rurik Russia $1000 96 012
2 ceba Moldova $500 73 184
3 M_x_ Russia $300 65 502
4 pashan Russia $100 52 415
5 advokat Russia $100 40 317

Nickname Country Prize Profit
1 mavoanka Estonia $1000 51 014
2 Vaka Estonia $500 46 820
3 bo53 Latvia $300 44 225
4 Wind Latvia $100 26 958
5 Prom Estonia $100 22 437

Nickname Country Prize Profit
1 dt88 Poland $1000 95 445
2 Marcin888 Poland $500 93 419
3 martka Poland $300 63 068
4 weblinner Belgium $100 49 495
5 Madzio Poland $100 37 116

Nickname Country Prize Profit
1 adrian1v2000 Romania $1000 91 505
2 momentum Bulgaria $500 77 020
3 deangelo Bulgaria $300 46 796
4 draganb Serbia $100 45 751
5 mdam Bulgaria $100 32 012

Nickname Country Prize Profit
1 mygame China $1000 68 417
2 axhc123 China $500 48 581
3 gogo China $300 43 014
4 subangzhen China $100 39 833
5 yehailing China $100 22 304

Nickname Country Prize Profit
1 dedi Indonesia $1000 56 758
2 nuraini Indonesia $500 49 567
3 Beginner Vietnam $300 48 409
4 aws777 Indonesia $100 35 359
5 hasto999 Indonesia $100 31 984

Nickname Country Prize Profit
1 universalfx Brazil $1000 11 956
2 kinfinities Nigeria $500 11 172
3 yad-48 United Arab Emirates $300 9 531
4 tino Brazil $100 8 945
5 sumitkhd India $100 7 831

We thank these outstanding traders and hope to see their names in subsequent rounds of the contest. If you see your name in the above list, please submit the scan-copy of your passport or ID card to Please also provide the number of your existing real trading account or open a new real account from your Trader's Room profile. Your prize money will be deposited to you real trading account.

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