4x4 #1 Winners and Awards 2008.04.25

Abril 25, 2008 06:16

We are happy to introduce the winners of the 1st round of '4x4' (REAL) competition:

#1 - Super-Prize - Valeriy 'fxmaster' Ziborov (Russia)*
#2 - $700 - Vilius 'Viliux' Makcinskas (Lithuania)
#3 - $500 - Victor 'Swat' Samarin (Russia)
#4 - $200 - Vladimir 'Wlad' Melnik (Russia)
#5 - $100 - Valeri 'Navigator' Krushinin (Estonia)

We thank these outstanding traders for their custom and hope to see their names in subsequent rounds of the contest.

*We kindly ask Mr. Ziborov to choose the Super-Prize from the offered 4 devices and contact us at support@fxservice.com or by phone +372 6 309 300.

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